The Donors & Sponsors of our Child Care Center
We have a lot of amazing donors and sponsors here at MLJ. Below you will see who our donors/sponsors are and get an explanation on how each donation will get you to our three different tiers. If you would like to donate to our organization you can click on the donate button at the top of this page or click the 'Giving' tab at the top of the page as well.
To become a Silver donor, we ask a donation to benefit our center be made of $250 - $499. With your donation you will receive a post on our Face Book (FB) page, which will reach around 10,000 FB users, about your company and donation to Mary Lee Johnston.
Our Silver donors:
Columbia - Boonslick Kiwanis International
HBI, Boonslick Kiwanis, and First Midwest helped with sponsoring our first ever annual Trivia Night!
To become a Bronze donor, we ask a donation to benefit our center be made of $500 - $999. With this donation you will be receive all the benefits stated above plus we will post about your organization and the donation you made on our website's main page and link your name to your company's website.
Our Bronze donors:
No Bronze donors as of yet!
You could be the first to get your company name on our page!
To become a Gold donor, a donation to benefit our center be made of $1000 or more is asked. With this donation you get all the benefits stated above and we will send a formal letter/email to all of our families and board members explaining your company, the donation you gave, and how thankful we are of you.
Our Gold donors:
No Gold donors as of yet!
You could be the first to get your company name on our page!