Employment Opportunities in Child Care
MLJCLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. As an agency policy, no person shall be denied employment or advancement on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin or disability. The agency is actively committed to the notion of equality of opportunity for all persons, and shall actively seek to offer employment to qualified persons regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin or disability.
All employment applicants with MLJCLC will be required to complete a standard application form. No person shall be denied the right to fill out an application; however, the agency will only seriously consider those applicants who can present satisfactory evidence of meeting the qualifications for existing job vacancies. Please email the completed application to samanthag@mljclc.net
Available Positions
Infant/Toddler Teacher and Preschool Teacher: 4 days a week, ten hour days. Off day will vary depending on the month.
Substitute: 5 or 4 days a week with ten or eight hour days or depending on your availability.
Email the address above or give us a call if you are interested in any of our open positions.